A YO.DHA-organized series of leadership events featuring
large-scale gatherings for knowledge sharing, awareness
creation, and impactful leadership
sessions with experts,
innovators, and entrepreneurs in the digital health space.
smaller boutique events will provide a space
informal interaction, idea exchange, and
opportunities for YO.DHAs.
We have successfully hosted three community engagement and networking events in July and December of 2023 and March of 2024, with a collective participation of over 200 members, volunteers, and industry experts. The large-scale YO.DH Fest events conducted in 2023 were co-designed by the YO.DH community members and included skill-building workshops on themes such as leadership and design thinking facilitated by creative thinktanks like Quicksand, International Innovation Corps, and Amani Institute; panel discussions with leading digital health experts from organizations such as BMGF, PATH, World Bank, Dimagi, and others; inspiring fireside chats with entrepreneurs narrating their journeys and insights and; informal networking opportunities with young leaders in digital health. The YO.DH Fest Mixer in 2024, ‘Digital Brushstrokes: A Digital Health Art-Sip Mixer’ exclusively for the YO.DH community members celebrated the power of collaboration. We were joined by Surbhi Arul, Associate Director of International Innovation Corps who gave an enthralling masterclass on leadership and encouraged the young digital health professionals to introspect what kind of leaders they want to become in the future. Our YO.DHAs networked and engaged in conversations with digital health innovators while they let their hair down in an immersive art experience through which they unleashed their creativity and indulged in an art therapy session.